Sunday, August 29, 2010

One month old

My little baby is one month old, and I am so happy to say we have made it through the month in one piece! It has been a crazy, sometimes tearful, blissful, TIRING month. We are making it through the baby fog, I think we will still have a few awkward months, but I am pleased that we are beginning to figure this little man out. For instance, he will sleep like a dream during the day in his swing. The swing is something my girls hated, but this little guy loves the swing. This has been a huge breakthrough. He is still only sleeping no more than 4 hours at a time at night, but we are hoping that longer stretches are around the corner.

I went back to church today after a month at home. I would have LOVED another week at home to rest and get myself together, but it was probably for the best that I went back. Church today was one of the hardest Sundays I have had since being called to be the primary president in this ward. When we came home from church I literally escaped to my room and had to take a nap, I was so frustrated, so tired, so weary of the day, I had to just put it behind me. I know that our work in primary is important, and we will get the help we need, but today was just horrible.

Tomorrow Ellie goes to school. ON A BUS. I have had many tearful moments about my firstborn, precious, tender, sweet, eldest daughter going to public school for the first time, but I think its going to be great for her, for me, and for Sophia. I just need to make it through her first day, then the first week. We need to get into a routine and I will feel better.

Speaking about feeling better, I am so anxious to get back to the gym. I am so ready to have my body back. (Or at least something that resembles my body) Post baby body is so yucky, and I am determined that this time next year, I will be prepping to run a race in October and feeling good again. It's amazing how much your body changes with each baby, and this time is no exception.

Chris is back in school. He went back last week, and already I am sensing that this year is going to be much more intense than last year. There is going to be MUCH more studying, and perhaps more time away from us, but I know Chris will do his best to balance med school and his family life. He has been amazing with us and the baby this past month.
All in all, not too bad. We are making it one day at a time. Next week we are excited to have family come into town to celebrate Gradon's blessing day. I know we will enjoy having family here to celebrate that special day.

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